USS Arizona
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Leaving shore leave behind

Posted on 26 Jan 2022 @ 12:51 by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Kemo Paahao & Lieutenant Commander Ciara Mcclellandi
Edited on on 01 Mar 2022 @ 20:00

Episode: E1: A Historic Voyage
Location: USS Arizona; Engineering
Timeline: Date 2025-04-04 at 1030

Making his way methodically, Kimo was mindful that he needed to get back into an on-board state of mind. Economy of movement and looking out for other members of Arizona’s crew as they all worked and made their way in the boat’s compact space.

Back from extended leave, the Warrant officer was also taking his time to visually checking things out as he went. There was limited crew aboard just now and it made things easier, but that was another item Kemo tasked himself. Remembering everyone’s face, name and just generally trying to settle himself after two weeks leave home with Tricia and the children.

It felt like he’d been away ages and, to a certain extent, it hadn’t been nearly enough…

Shaking his head again, he (again) consciously cycled his thoughts back to business as he entered Arizona’s engineering room. Catching site of Lieutenant Commander Mcclellandi, Kimo acknowledged the few enlisted personnel working about and approached the Arizona’s Engineering officer and rendered a hand salute.

“Good morning, Commander,” he said cheerfully.

The Salute was returned, "Good morning yourself chief, you have a good leave?"

"Yes ma'am," Kemo replied, moving to allow a crewman past. "You know how it goes: takes forever for leave to roll around, then it passes too quickly and here we are again. I think it's hardest on Tricia and the kids. THey're growing like weeds and with them being in DC and all." He shrugged then, "Such is the life of a sailor."

"How's things been aboard? Any scuttlebutt on movement orders yet?," he asked, trying to resettle his mind on work.

"So far we've been fixing gripes, should have the list caught up of all mission critical stuff, rest is just quality of life. As for our orders, no update, but what I'm hearing, shouldn't be long."

"So, mostly SNAFU," Kimo half sighed with a smile. "Well, it's good to know some things don't change. Anything that you would like me to get into immediately ma'am? I had planned to get caught up on email and get into the training rotation rosters to see where we are on the skippers hit list."

"Sounds good, I know the bloody e-mail seems to grow when you're away from it, so get caught up, check the rosters, we'll coordinate for damage control prep say 24 hours or so, also we should have some more direction, I hope."

"Aye aye, Commander," Kimo acknowledged, shooing one of the enlisted off a working terminal by catching their eye and tapping his watch and giving an umpires 'You're Out," hand signal. "I imagine we've stepped up the watch on watch emergency drills but I'll see where we're at on those and make sure we haven't missed anything. And I'll get the pool started. Deployment wise, I was thinking $25 gift cards the top watch team for an incentive. I'll be passing the hat again..."

She nodded, "I'll kick in, and once you pass I'll match it, so we can also pay for the back home party." One thing her father had taught her, plus her hardscrabble childhood, which included a lot of hard work, was hard work deserves good rewards. the gift cards and a party when back home was tradition. "But yes 25 gift cards works."

"Roger that," Kimo confirmed as he slid into the the now abandoned terminal and began accessing. After several minutes he finally gained access and muttered, "Sweet suffering.... 348 emails. I should have drank more coffee this morning. Or maybe put in my papers."

"You still have to e-mail those in." Ciara responded as she headed out to her small office where she would check her own e-mail, and hope it was under 100.


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